Thought I'd write a litlle blurb about how proud I am of my lil one!! I know all children develop at their own pace and I don't really know if Kali is quite the genius I THINK SHE IS!!! But still I'm very proud to be her mom!!!
What Kali knows......
She and I Have been doing sign language and even thou she doesn't sign it 100 % properly... because I've been doing it with her and I can see how she does it back I understand her...
ASL that she knows
For animals shes knows, Doggie, cat, zebra, duck, elephant fish and sorta lion she knows froggie by name and picture but not in sign I need to look that one up!!
For food she knows
more, water, milk, apple, cookie, cracker, banana, drink, eat, juice and all done
for other stuff
bath, change diaper, stop( not that she listen to it!!) brush teeth, hat, piano, book, baby,thank you , please, ball, up, potty( just learning that one)

Stuff she knows with out sign
hair, head, ears, shoulders, eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, lips, tongue, chin, hands, fingers, knee, belly, boobies, toes, feet, sometimes bummie and cheeks stand up, open, close, sit down, no touch( when she chooses) slippers, shoes, socks, pull your pants up, shake your bootie or wiggle your bum, dance, give cuddles, hugs, kisses and say sorry ( which is a hug and /or kiss)

things she says
"whats that?" ALL THE TIME, or "Whos that?", "Dad", "Mom" (sometimes), hat, hot, and everything else is in spurts...more , dog, Alibi, auntie, and lots and lots of singing and mumbling!!

So theres my little angels she heading on the path of making millions.... I hope so....but for now I'd be happy if she figured out the potty!! and said I love you!! that would melt my heart!!! When did your kids first say I love you and did you cry?? I think I probally will!!

my hunny wants to watch a movie and cuddle .... well I wanna cuddle, he wants the movie...comprise is great!!!

Jenny, Glad you pulled out the four agreements......... Chin up girl you're the BOMB BABY!!!! and my best friend!! I say proudly with a smile!! We know it, thats all that counts!!xox
4 Responses
  1. Jenny Says:

    She's so smart! Can't wait to see you guys...this is going to be a long winter! It's only January!!
    Anyhow miss you all!

  2. Jenny Says:

    She's so smart! Can't wait to see you guys...this is going to be a long winter! It's only January!!
    Anyhow miss you all!

  3. BluEyedFool Says:

    I'm in agreement with Jenny..she's such a smart cookie!! Proves what great parents she has too.

    Hugs n' happy thots,

  4. Christy Says:

    I can't remember when Tristan first said he loved me. But my heart still melts when he says it! There is nothing like the love you have your babies and vice versa! What an amazing experience!