Okay I'm starting to STRESS OUT!!! I have to go back to work in January and we haven't got some one lined up for the kids! I put an add in the sip and chat, Dougs put up notices at work and I will put some up at the post box out here!! But what happens if we don't find someone?? I'm freaking out! So if are reading this and you know someone who'd be great with kids and is interested in providing childcare for two wonderful lil angels!!! send them my way! I need full time but part time care! We are shift workers soooooo its 13 hour days by the time we drop em off or pick em up!( at the most somedays even less) some of the care would be in my home. Some times we only need a couple hours for shift change....ex...I start earlier than Doug is home. I work four on four off so I don't need someone for all of it or for my four off. sooooooooo its not ALL the time they'd still have free time. Thinking about not being able to find someone has me just sick!!! Theres only soooooo many friends I can pawn them off on and for only soooo long! So please keep me in mind if you hear of anyone looking to work with kiddies SEND THEM MY WAY!!!!

oh no such a stressful time for you, hope you find someone that will work out well for you and i think the less sitters you have for the two chillins the better so they are used to only one person, and your kiddies will get into a routine with mom and dad working and a nanny. good luck and don't forget to ask for references ok.