Today I got an email from Verve Earth
Your blog Memories made one click at a time..... caught our attention. I'm the CEO of a recently launched startup for bloggers. We are searching the internet for the world's best blogs(insert HA,HA,HA) by geography, and we found yours for Canada. I would like to invite you to our site which plots the content of the internet on an interactive map of the world. VerveEarth is an entirely new way to surf the net. It shows spatial and geographic connections that a blog search engine could never reveal. The site is http://www.verveearth.com/. Once on board, you can easily claim your blog a place in the VerveEarth world. The site is free to use and a way to drive new traffic to your blog.
I had a quick lil peek....looks interesting. It has potential to take off!
you'll have a new way to reach your fav sites and surf
1.Create your personalized "Internet world" by adding favorites or by content
2.Create a blog profile for your geographic region
3.Subscribe to the content that is important to you; cut out the rest
4.Surf the net geographically, check out what's hot in/ and the world
5.Share cool content with friends Destinations are available for a range of topics - everything from mainstream websites (e.g. YouTube), cities and countries, universities,sports teams, famous people and even news papers!!

Looks far too complicated for my liking.
Is it legit?