Lil miss KJ is registered for pre school in Sept with the CDC. Rules have changed and now there needs to be 1 teacher for every 10 children so it may be a bit hard to get into a preschool if you don't its done!! I will keep her there if she likes it till a 1/2 a year before she starts kindergarten then I'll switch her to the school she'll be taking french immersion in. ( thats if there still is a preschool there and if the school hasn't been closed down by then, which I hope not cuz I really like that school)
I went to a French immersion parent meeting and it was very helpful and informative. I will be putting both kids into the program when they are of age to attend. If they graduate in the french program they will have a double diploma. The meeting also said the program was geared towards parents who don't speak french which is SOOOOOO US!!!! I'll try and learn as much as I can with them...maybe in time I'll take a french course myself. I'll try to convince MR. DUG to try it out too.....LOL for those of you who know him!! Lets just say when we went to Australia he didn't understand much of their slang and THEY SPEAK ENGLISH!!!!!! So hopes for learning french with me might be HIGH HOPES!! But alot of my worries about the french program were put to rest.......what if she can't do it will she adjust to english alright? does her english skills suffer at all? what are testing results showing? is there extra help? and so so many more.....but put they were all put to rest.
Our local library has a english and french story time and we go to both so its a slow start to french....and I get to learn pretty much one word a class...last class was cochon....which means pig.
I'd like to Thank all of you's who left comments or phoned about my decision to seek out a church for my family and me.
I phoned Laura from OrgJunkie and we had quite the lil chat, she was very helpful. I was really leaning towards the Baptist Church the only thing I don't really like is the fact that the sunday school doesn't run at the same time as the service. which would be really hard for me to get the kids to before cuz we live a bit out of town and its an hour before the regular service that right now would be way to long for Parker and Kali. When Dougs off I'm going to go alone first and check it out and ask questions and just get a feel for it...then I'll go from there. Laura said the music is lovely and the church library is wonderful...two very nice bonuses. I know this will take some time so I will be patient. I know the answer will show itself. Thanks again to everyone for your support and wisdom.
I went to a French immersion parent meeting and it was very helpful and informative. I will be putting both kids into the program when they are of age to attend. If they graduate in the french program they will have a double diploma. The meeting also said the program was geared towards parents who don't speak french which is SOOOOOO US!!!! I'll try and learn as much as I can with them...maybe in time I'll take a french course myself. I'll try to convince MR. DUG to try it out too.....LOL for those of you who know him!! Lets just say when we went to Australia he didn't understand much of their slang and THEY SPEAK ENGLISH!!!!!! So hopes for learning french with me might be HIGH HOPES!! But alot of my worries about the french program were put to rest.......what if she can't do it will she adjust to english alright? does her english skills suffer at all? what are testing results showing? is there extra help? and so so many more.....but put they were all put to rest.
Our local library has a english and french story time and we go to both so its a slow start to french....and I get to learn pretty much one word a class...last class was cochon....which means pig.
I'd like to Thank all of you's who left comments or phoned about my decision to seek out a church for my family and me.
I phoned Laura from OrgJunkie and we had quite the lil chat, she was very helpful. I was really leaning towards the Baptist Church the only thing I don't really like is the fact that the sunday school doesn't run at the same time as the service. which would be really hard for me to get the kids to before cuz we live a bit out of town and its an hour before the regular service that right now would be way to long for Parker and Kali. When Dougs off I'm going to go alone first and check it out and ask questions and just get a feel for it...then I'll go from there. Laura said the music is lovely and the church library is wonderful...two very nice bonuses. I know this will take some time so I will be patient. I know the answer will show itself. Thanks again to everyone for your support and wisdom.

My how time is flying! It's good to see that you're looking towards the future though with Kali. Some people don't always see what a benefit Pre-school is or some of the comments i've heard are "It's so expensive!" "Well what is Kindergarten for?" etc. I'm sorry, raising kids IS expensive and to me there is no expense to great when it comes to educating our children.
xo Pen