Today our family will be attending Granny Stars settlement feast.
With open arms we have been "adopted" into the Nyce family. The culture, history and traditions intrigue me. I am known as the closet white daughter to mom and dad Nyce and anyone else they can tell. To old Gran I was "bos tum ux um" Spelled wrong I'm sure. Miss her smiling face and how she always called Doug..... David. Tonite their having her settlement feast, this will be the first one I've attended. At this feast Shelley will have Grans Name placed upon her....which is such an honour for her, shes gonna have some big shoes to fill but I know she'll do well. Kali, Parker and me will also have our native names given to us by an elder. I think they are going to place " little joy" for Kali...but Terry was saying they were having trouble translating joy in Haisla, Parker will be "bright eyes" and I will probably be " bos tum ux um" which means Boston woman..... will let you know how everything goes. Must get some sleep its 4:24 am and I just finished a night shift. (Yawn)
With open arms we have been "adopted" into the Nyce family. The culture, history and traditions intrigue me. I am known as the closet white daughter to mom and dad Nyce and anyone else they can tell. To old Gran I was "bos tum ux um" Spelled wrong I'm sure. Miss her smiling face and how she always called Doug..... David. Tonite their having her settlement feast, this will be the first one I've attended. At this feast Shelley will have Grans Name placed upon her....which is such an honour for her, shes gonna have some big shoes to fill but I know she'll do well. Kali, Parker and me will also have our native names given to us by an elder. I think they are going to place " little joy" for Kali...but Terry was saying they were having trouble translating joy in Haisla, Parker will be "bright eyes" and I will probably be " bos tum ux um" which means Boston woman..... will let you know how everything goes. Must get some sleep its 4:24 am and I just finished a night shift. (Yawn)
I am a Raven, and I should have come to the feast oops, oh well, I hope you enjoyed it Shari, I too have an Indian name, mine is Pale Raven, and I don't know how to say it in Haisla, I was adopted into Don and Eunice Stewarts family.. I felt very proud and honoured to be given my name, it was done at Dwayne's settlement feast, also some of Dads grandchildren were given names as well. There was dancing and good times.. I love going to feasts in the Village, its nice there was something happy happening in the Village after all the deaths there has been out there lately. ttyl Hugs from sue.
My name was given to me one of the first times I met Old Gran with Terry. She heard I had lived in the states and had asked me where I told her close to Boston and that was it everytime I saw her she'd blurt out this name untill finally I was able to blurt it back. Pale Raven is a beautiful Indian name.I tried phoning you awhile ago but you were out!...I wanted to get rid of your xmas ticker!!LOL...its driving me crazy!
my xmas ticker is driving you crazy how the heck do you think i feel, crapola, i want summer time clicker or something, hey the news from here, so exciting, mike and i planted two cherry trees last night, hope they grow up big and strong and produce great cherries.. i told mike we planted them in memory of our dads and mikes'mom.. so ya have a great weekend..