So tonite we went to Grans Settlement Feast. It was amazing. The tables and tables of dry good gifts they hand out to people who helped is really inconceivable. The Gym was packed with people. There was pots and pots of soup, Turkey, Beef, Clam Chowder. At each pot two woman would sit to serve the soup. One of the clans would go table to table and get your soup bowl to serve you. On each table was a variety of buns, crackers, bread, butter, salt & pepper. Constantly someone was coming around to fill your juice, coffee or tea cup....or offering to refill your soup bowl. Also placed on each table was an assortment of cakes.
An elder man started the evening off speaking in Haisla, along with a prayer for other families who have recently lost a relative and a remembrance with a minute of silence. Sister Shelley was given Grans Name as Gran had wished. It carries with it alot of responsibility. Old Gran had a "BIG " name with importance to it. Such an Honour for Shelley. There was a poem about Mothers that was done by one of the elder women, she spoke first in her native language and then beat her hand drum and sang her song as her daughter translated into english. It was very nice. I over heard Kali say to Janice " Grans in my heart" Which was sooooo nice. I never really told Kali about Old Gran and what happened cuz she was soooo little but I think she understood and put the association of Quad and Gran together on her on. How ever she came to it it touched me.
After eating namesakes were placed Parker was a little worm by then so I wasn't able to watch all of them but I think 6 or so people had names placed upon them. I was named " Bos tum ux um" which means Boston Woman, Kali was placed with "Precious One" and Parker with "Bright Eyes" I have to figure out how to say their names....moms gonna write them down for me and tell me how to pronounce em.
So there you have it we are now officially members of the "BLACK FISH CLAN" otherwise known as the Orca Whale Clan. It was all pretty cool and humbling to be soooo welcomed and soooo loved.
An elder man started the evening off speaking in Haisla, along with a prayer for other families who have recently lost a relative and a remembrance with a minute of silence. Sister Shelley was given Grans Name as Gran had wished. It carries with it alot of responsibility. Old Gran had a "BIG " name with importance to it. Such an Honour for Shelley. There was a poem about Mothers that was done by one of the elder women, she spoke first in her native language and then beat her hand drum and sang her song as her daughter translated into english. It was very nice. I over heard Kali say to Janice " Grans in my heart" Which was sooooo nice. I never really told Kali about Old Gran and what happened cuz she was soooo little but I think she understood and put the association of Quad and Gran together on her on. How ever she came to it it touched me.
After eating namesakes were placed Parker was a little worm by then so I wasn't able to watch all of them but I think 6 or so people had names placed upon them. I was named " Bos tum ux um" which means Boston Woman, Kali was placed with "Precious One" and Parker with "Bright Eyes" I have to figure out how to say their names....moms gonna write them down for me and tell me how to pronounce em.
So there you have it we are now officially members of the "BLACK FISH CLAN" otherwise known as the Orca Whale Clan. It was all pretty cool and humbling to be soooo welcomed and soooo loved.
Sounds interesting for sure.
My family are members of the turtle clan. When Shay did his Native drumming in grade 4, it was so adorable because his vest was the only vest with a turtle crest on the back. It's neat to see all the different clans out there.
Have a good day!
What a wonderful experience and honour Shari. I love the names for the kids and yours too.
Congratulations and an amazing honour for Shelley too!
xoxoxo Pen
bos tum ux um, you have a wonderful long weekend!! Make sure to take lots of pics of all of your projects! You should post some new pics of the kids!
big hugs..
~turtle yum yum...(that's what I think my native name should be)