Lets just start out with last weeks menu had me attempting to make crepes!!! And I'm happy to report that they turned out AWESOME.....it only took me from 2pm to 6pm to make em!!!! Doug was laughing HUGE at me...I took a picture of my wonderful creation ( Jenny's idea..thanks) I forgot to take one of the Herbed Chicken and Mushroom crepes...But I did remember come dessert time. I told him I was gonna blog the picture and he asked me if I was gonna blog that I spent 12 hours making em I told him no I'm not sharing that part with everyone he said he was gonna start his own blog and tell the world about my cooking adventures!!
or misadventures!!!
So here's the pictures of my Caramelized Apple Crepes!! YUMMY!!!
or misadventures!!!
So on the Menu this week is in no particular order!!!
Perogies and salad
Orzo with garlic and ginger veggies
meatloaf and mashed potatoes with corn
homemade pizza
fondue!!!! one of ours favorites!!! I was gonna do it for Valentines dinner but Dougs nites so we're gonna do it on his days off
homemade chicken fingers with a honey mustard sauce and salad
and for Valentines Dinner Steak and Baked potatoe with brussels and for dessert "Raspberry Fool for Love" dessert the recipes out of the Canadian Living magazine...feb 2007
1/4 cup individually quick frozen(IQF) ( what ever that means...I bought fresh) or fresh raspberries
1 tsp icing sugar
1 oz white chocolate chopped
1 Tbsp sour cream
1 Tbsp granulated sugar
dash of vanilla
1/2 cup whipping cream
~reserve 2-3 berries on a paper towel lined plate for garnish. press remaining berries through a fine sieve set over a bowl, discard seeds. stir in icing sugar set aside
~in bowl over saucepan of hot ( not boiling) water melt white chocolate, let cool slightly. in separate bowl whisk together sour cream, granulated sugar and vanilla whisk into white chocolate
~ in separate bowl whip cream(I'm cheating and using cool whip) fold 1/4 into chocolate mixture. fold in reaming whipped cream. Add raspberry sauce, swirl just until streaky. spoon into serving dish cover and refrigerate for two hours garnish with reserved raspberries.....makes 2 servings!!!
Thought I'd share one of Dougs favorite stories of my cooking misadventures.........
He and I were in the local furniture store looking for a new stove/oven the salesman starts asking me all these questions about what kind of oven do I want and Yadda Yadda...I said talk to HIM and pointed to Doug!! Doug really wants a convection oven so he relays that to the salesman then asks the salesman if this particular oven would cook cardboard evenly??? The clerk looked at him abit dumbfounded and Doug pipes up, laughs and tells the clerk how the night before I put in a frozen pizza in the oven with the cardboard still under it and was wondering if this stove would of cook the cardboard evenly!!
Well hope you all have great meals planned out and have a wonderful Valentines Day!!
Those crepes looked delicious!!
Good story BTW!!
Great meal plan!!
Scott wants to go out for dinner,but I love having the romantic eat/love in thing...
Hopefully he'll change his mind!
Anyhow ttyl!
The caramelized apple crepes look fabulous1 Worth every hour you put into them I reckon!!
I agree, they look delicious and surely worth every minute of labor to create them. :)
The caramelized apples look amazing! I'm glad they turned out - and I love home made chicken fingers. I love to make them but I make hubby deep fry them. He says they make a big mess so I don't make them that often. :)
Very pretty. I meant to take a pic of the snickers tarts I made this weekend, but they were eaten before I had the chance :) I am going to have to get quicker.
Have a great Monday.
Sure does sound good! And the apple crepes look fabulous.
Hi there,
I stumbled onto your blog by looking at your Meal Plan Monday. I LOVE your layout/format!! Would you mind sharing how or where you got it?
Thanks. :0)
Your crepes look beautiful and I'm sure they tasted better with all the work you put in to them. I've never had fondue maybe I'll try it some time.
Wow, I'm totally impressed as crepes aren't something I've ever tried to make...too scary for me but boy do they look good. Yeah!!!
LOL! Tell your hubby that good things take time! ;) They really do look mouth-watering. :)