WOW....when it rains it pours!!!! been soooo busy its crazy!! Weds went to to MA and Pa Nyce for T's Bday...was late enough with two kid lets under two!! Thurs did major clean sweep of the upper section of the house and boy that felt good to get it done...I'm talking on all fours attacking every dust bunny I could find!! The only thing upstairs that didn't get a cleaning was my daughters bookshelf. Anyway I'm sure you don't care about my dust Bunny's ..YOU ALL HAVE YOUR OWN...RIGHT!! My Best Bud Jen asked me out to Terrace for this girls nite at Shoppers, Pen was suppose to come too but had to get ready for her big trip to Vancouver to pick up her new lil puppy RIO!! So Jenny and I went out to dinner... The HOT HOUSE, normally its really, really good....but it wasn't soooooo great!! I asked if I could get onions put in my Fajitas and the waiter came back with "Yeah but hes gonna charge you" I said fine... but I thought for a slice of onion?? whatever then we get our food and the waiter is almost scarred to tell Jenny that her fajita may have onion in it as well and tells us the cook is in a "BAD MOOD" both of us weren't too impressed.
The makeover part was my hands scrubbed and my nails done, my face moisturized and then a makeover.....with "smoky eyes" it was nice to have someone show me what to do with make up......I am not a girly girl!! I wear a lil liner and mascara and sometimes gloss. Never ever wear foundation unless its like NEW YEARS EVE!! Truthfully I don't care for foundation...I don't like how it looks on my nose!! I know it sounds stupid and no one would notice but ME (and now all of you cuz I'm telling you) but it looks dotted or something I don't know...just don't care for it. I did win a gift was nice Jenny thinks its about $100 bucks worth of stuff!! it had Miracle perfume, eye make-up remover, face cream and an exfoliatent scrub. I got home around 11pm or so and showed Dug my nails and eyes and he says " What??? You do your eyes like that all the time!!" " MEN!!"
Friday We went to Terrace for I don't know stuff for the truck ( will that ever end?) I got back just in time to pick up Marion go for dinner and drive to the Eagle Center for the African children's choir performance....we met Michelle,Jenny and the was PACKED!!! what an awesome turn out!! I very much enjoyed it. Then Michelle and I went to the Keg to meet T for her birthday she was shocked to see me out and quite frankly sooooooo was I !!!! Saturday was interesting..Dougs first day back to work after being off for the summer on parental leave. Sooo I had to pack PT up drop him off at Baba James and run out to do gymnastics with Kali and then pick him up get home and get everything ready so when Doug got home we could go to the Village for the Native dancing at the community center....Auntie Shelley and Adam we're performing. We just caught the tail end of the opening ceremony but was it ever cool!!!! All the masks and robes and faces painted and the dancing and singing and chanting it was very moving. There was a chance for all children to go up and dance so Kali went up and walked with Adam holding his hands and waving to everyone it was cute. There was this young two year old boy who is soooooooo gifted you just felt like his spirit was older than him his dancing was amazing, the head movements and emotion I got a chill just watching him. Apparently his grandfather was one of the best Haisla dancers in the Village.. I wouldn't be surprised if he has part of his grandfathers spirit with him. The lady with the talking stick said he is afraid of the masks so he wears a ball cap and sometimes he'll pull the cap over his face like a mask and dance and other times he won't so lets see what his spirit decides to do. so watch the video clip ...was it ever cool to watch!! She also told everyone that all the performers who dance an drum can only do so if they are drug and alcohol free!! I think its an amazing way to for the youth to take pride and walk tall on and off the floor!! Sorry its soooooo long of a post i guess I felt a bit chatty tonite.

That little boy is amazing!! Wow...
I was going to post about my crazy social life these days as well...being social wears you out!!LOL
And there's next week too...
Jenny's right, the little boy is amazing!
You did have an extremely busy weekend but those are great to have once in awhile.
xo Pen
ps Love the pictures and seeing about your weekend as well.