Every time a bird has hit my windshield and died I have lost a family member or close friend. Lastnite on the way home out of the darkness with out time to even brake a bird hit my windshield. My heart sank...and I kept thinking no not this won't come true. When I got home I chatted with Jenny and Penny......then I remembered that all day yesterday birds were flying into my windows.....three into my kitchen windows, one in my living room window just as I sat down and one into my patio door. I remember thinking to myself....why are all these birds hitting my windows??? the windows are sooooo filthy. I think someone was trying to get my attention and know I realize that. Even today a bird flew into my kitchen window. My heart is heavy....I don't want anything bad to happen to anyone but I know its coming. The longest wait I've had after hitting a bird has been just over a month before we got the news of a family member passing and the shortest was one week. I phoned my dad today just to tell him I love him and to check in on him. He seems ok but he is also 83 years old. I don't know what I will do when something happens to him...I will loose a very big piece of me. Lastnite I also dreamt of my mom who passed away in 2001 and a very good friend of mine Darryl Track who has also has passed on. My dream was soooo real. In it I was thinking to myself why don't Darryl and I talk anymore...we'll have to phone and keep in better touch. It was such a real dream. I guess whatever is to be will be.....I hope that whoever it is that there is no suffering. So if you believe in God please keep my family in your prayers.

3 Responses
  1. Jenny Says:

    Hey my girl...I remember this after I got off the phone with you...a bird flew into my window last week when I was on the phone with Wendy...
    You're always in my prayers...
    Love you!

  2. BluEyedFool Says:

    Keeping you in my prayers and that nothing comes of this.

    Hugs and love,

  3. SueakaNana Says:

    hi shari, hope everything goes well and nothing happens, but I have a friend who used to say if you see a lot of birds in your yard it usually meant that there was going to be a death in your family i have run out and shooed the birds away and i guess i shouldn't really since i am a raven myself right but anyways cheer up girl. talk to you soon.