My first aid ticket expired the day PT was born!! In order for me to go back to work I have to renew it! I love doing the course...I normally have fun in it! I'm not sure how this time will be...I didn't have children the last time I had to take it!! I was pregnant with Kali when I did it last soooooooo I think I should probably be studying NOW!!! I just got my books the other day I'll be in Terrace for the January course...not looking forward to driving in winter conditions either!! UGGG.. anyway thought I'd leave a msg cuz my evening will consist of trying to read, absorb and STAY AWAKE for more than three pages at a time! If you are having a hard time sleeping let me recommend the level 3 first aid book to you!! you'll be knocked out in 5 mins!! Sooo with out further adieu its upstairs to get atter!!

...must borrow your book, lol. Have a good night, hope you get some reading in.
See you tomorrow!
yikes reading does put me to sleep as well, good luck on the first aid some things have changed haven't they? mine has expired as well and i only had the basic first aid. but you need the higher one right. ttyl
Yeah I need a level 3...I think the changes made are suppose to make it easier...we'll see