These are the before shots of Kali's room....I remembered to take them part way into clearing the room out...but at last I remembered!!
So I've been plugging along....and have tackled quite a bit on my to get done list!! I even have some pictures!!! YEAH!!!! So Kali's room which has some minor things still to be done (like door knobs on the closets and main door, she needs a bigger area rug and some kind of a blind and window treatment and I still have to attach her little jewels to her bed netting!!) but for now we're gonna say its done till I find what I want. So I already did a post on how Kali's closet turned out for those of you who didn't get to see it click HERE!
I reupholstered Kali's Queen Ann chair heres the before and after shots!! if you have never reupholstered anything ...I suggest start with something EASY!!!! I think the chair came out ok but I didn't know what I was doing!!! and the amount of staples I had to take out!!! Holy Crap!!! Lets just say I'm glad thats OFF my to do list!!
So pretty much there you have Kali's room!! kinda cute eh??? I'll post Parkers room to the Doctors!!

Tell Kali that Auntie is coming over to share her room with her! I love it! You're talented!!!
That is amazing! What a lucky girl!